Friday, April 26, 2013

10 Rental Software System MUST HAVES

Looking for a good rental software system to run your rental hire business? Make sure that the software you chose has the following features:

1. Role based permissions for the administrators. This means that you can create different administration logins that can access only the areas of the admin they need to have access to. Your marketing login might only be able to access your blog. Your data entry person can only access the product catalog. The login for yourself will probably have access to everything.

2. Overview Rental Inventory Calendar to show where all your rental inventory is by day, week, month. Should show how many items are available, and click to show the details of where the inventory is by client.

3. Social Integration. The system should be able to integrate with facebook logins and likes, google + logins and likes, and all other popular social networks.

4. Email confirmations of orders, send confirmations, return confirmations, and return reminders.

5. Product Filtering. Ability to filter products by rental price, product attributes (colors, sizes, categories, features) on the customer side so customers can quickly find what they want.

6. Loads Fast. The rental system you chose should have page load speeds of 1 second or less per page. Studies show that customer buy more from quickly loading web sites.

7. Open Source Rental System. The code for your rental system should be open source. No two rental businesses are the same. Do you need custom features that are not already offered in your rental system? If so you'll need to make sure your rental software is open source so these new features can be coded in.

8. Serial Number Inventory Tracking. This will make sure you can make barcodes or QR 2 dimensional barcodes to stick to each of your products. If your rental system can't handle serial numbers, you will not be able to accurately track your inventory.

9. Tracking Of Send & Return Of Rental Products. Don't try and customize an existing E-commerce system to add rentals. You'll never be able to do so on-time or on-budget. Critical to any rental system is a different form of tracking inventory. You'll need a page that tracks both the send AND return of your products. E-commerce systems are only built for sending, not returning by default.

10. Integration With Major Rental Shipping & Payment Gateway APIs. Make sure your rental software system ties in with the major shipping services like DHL, UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc. For payment gateways you'll probably need, Paypal, Moneris, Sage Pay, Skrillr, etc. Trying to integrate these APIs from scratch will cost you a lot of time and money.

Rental System Software Free Trial On Your Server

Need a free trial of our rental system software to run on your server? No problem. We are now offering 30 day free trials that you can install on your server. Our rental system software is online based and is a rental extension for the already powerful Magento E-commerce Framework. To run our hire rental system you will need:

We'll email you the rental extension with the ioncube encoded license files. You can install it using Magento Connect. To signup just use our free trial form on our pricing page.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Excellent New Magento Book Now Available

May the Magento community rejoice! Finally there is a good book out there to learn how to program Magento. It's no longer necessary to piece together bits and pieces of tutorials from all over the net to learn how to program Magento the right way. The book is Magento PHP Developers Guide by Allan Macgregor. This book excels in many ways. It covers topics that other books on Magento ingore or don't cover well. A few of the things I loved about this book:

  • Goes step by step through making a real Magento module, not just some hello world or blog
  • Teaches about Magento testing techniques
  • How to properly deploy Magento and Magento modules
  • Covers the admin grid system - how to set them up for new modules or edit them
  • Magento layout xml files - how they work
  • First few chapters go over all the Magento codebase in a thorough manner - get up to speed on what you need to know very quickly. Much faster than going through the 40 hour fundamentals of magento screencast.
  • Covers how to setup Vagrant - though I already had done this it's great to have a resource there for people learning it and how it will help your development
Even if you are already a experienced Magento developer there are sure to be some things for you to learn in here. Obviously Allan researched well this book and is applying the "correct" way of writing Magento modules. If you try and find online tutorials they are often of low quality or plain don't work. This book is different and will save you a lot of time in the Magento learning process. Thanks Allan for writing such a great book! Looking forward to more like this!

I emailed Allan and he emailed back saying he may be writing more books so I'm certainly looking forward to that. It's always been strange to me how such a large E-commerce framework like Magento had such low quality learning resources, but hopefully that will change now!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Project Management Software Recomendation - Active Collab

We've used a great deal of project management systems. The top ones being JIRA and Basecamp. We never really liked them though as for a web development company JIRA felt way to complicated, slow, and hard to navigate. It left a lot to be desired. Basecamp was too simple - things like not being able to prioritize tasks, make sub-tasks, and no direct SVN integration really bothered us.

Well finally we came back to Active Collab - and really we can not recommend it enough! It is SUPER fast loading, has everything a web development company could need for project management, handles SVN, and you don't have to pay per month to use it, just one flat fee of $499. Originally that was what kept us back since we usually just pay the $30 - $50/month fees, but the license fee is worth it and of course saves time in the long run.

So if you aren't sure what project management system to use, make sure to give Active Collab a try!

Oh - and if Active Collab developers are reading this - please support private github repos for your source code management tool :)

Magento Image On PDF Invoice

Here is a quick module that allows you to display images in your Invoice PDF in Magento. This was taken and combined from 2 other web posts I found here:

1) 2)

but neither one worked quite the way I wanted so I combined them. All the module does is extend 2 base Magento classes for PDFs, one is for the invoice the other is for the invoice items. It adds to the invoice items class the images code, and to the base invoice class the line header for the Product Image text and adjusts the spacing x values. Both classes are commented so you can check them if you want.

Here is the module:

 Install instructions:
1) Upload the app folder to your magento app folder
2) Clear magento cache in admin
3) Try printing a magento invoice

Monday, April 15, 2013

Best WAMP Magento Development Environment

Well, after some screwing around I found what I think is a good dev environment, maybe it will help you. Tried out a few and AMPPS seems really nice as it has latest versions, and a very good control panel. Also it seems faster than WAMP. It has softaculous built-in to it so is easy to test out scripts if needed.
It is:
2) Xdebug Extension
Copy and paste your phpinfo output to: and it will show you exactly how to install it.
Here is what I put in php.ini to turn it on:

Screenshot showing how it can dump out variables at a breakpoint:

3) APC Cache
Download from here: put it in your extensions folder for ampps, and put in php.ini: extension=php_apc.dll
It is nice cause it runs pretty fast and the Xdebug thing is pretty nice for setting breakpoints. It will run up to that breakpoint and dump all the variables as shown in the attached screenshot.
4) Magento Notes
localhost does not work good for some reason logging into the admin it doesn't set cookies right so set your url to be in your mysql database table > core_configs that is what I found after comparing my install with a softaculous install that is how it does it so that is how it works.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Learning To Program Rental Software for Magento, PHP, etc. "The Right Way"

If you are like me you have tried to learn to program for awhile but never really "got the hang of it." Will I finally got it, and the key to learning it was very simple. Here are my tips:

1) NEVER COPY AND PASTE CODE FROM TUTORIALS - type it all out. This was the biggest mistake I was making. I thought I could read the tutorial and understand it and then I had learned it. Well that is not the case. When you are learning to code, don't copy and paste anything. Type it all out. Yes it's slower, but the process of typing it all out (and maybe after you type it changing a few things to experiment) is the key to learning to program. You will make mistakes as you type out the code. Then when you run it you will get errors. Correcting these errors is actually teaching you how not to make mistakes and how to catch the grammatical side of the programming language.

Copying and pasting code is equivalent to trying to learn a new language like Spanish and recording people that speak it and playing back the recording when you want to talk. Of course that wouldn't work, you'd never learn.

2) The second key to learning to code is to find the right learning resources. Here are the best ones that I have found in order of how good I think they are, they are very popular so you have probably already heard of them:

So what are some key programming languages & concepts you should learn when starting out?

  1. HTML & CSS
  2. PHP
  3. Ruby on Rails - not necessary really but PHP & Ruby are the 2 of the most popular web development languages
  4. jQuery
  5. GIT file versioning and deployment system
  6. How to use Objects and what Object Design Patterns are
  7. SQL
  8. Photoshop basics for web developers (from or they both have this course)
  9. Linux command line basics (also available from
  10. Try setting up your own LAMP (linux, apache, mysql, php) server using Virtual Box
    • download virtual box here
    • download Linux here: (or whatever your preferred vareity is like Ubuntu or CentOS)
    • Install it, follow online tutorial guides for how to get LAMP up and running in your virtual box
    • What you learn will be invaluable in your web development career.

Ok So What About Learning Magento?

So now coming to the important point - really to learn Magento you need to know all the concepts above except for Ruby on Rails and GIT. The best way to learn Magento right now is to go through all of Alan Storm's tutorials at his website: then also buy his book "no frills magento" and try out those tutorials too. 

We are planning on releasing our own eBook on learning Magento via hands on Module creation. We are not statisfied with the learning materials that are currently out there to learn Magento. We've paid the $350 for the "quickstart to Magento development" directly through Magento Inc. and it's the best one but overpriced and doesn't teach you everything you need to know. We'll keep this blog posted for when we release the eBook. Here are some topics we plan to cover:
  • Step by step module creation with explanations along the way of everything that is going on. We are not talking about "hello world" type modules, but actual modules that are useful in the real world like
    • Admin sales staff commision calculation
    • Request for quote module
    • Writing a payment module
    • Writing a shipment module
    • Shipping labels module
  • How to develop Magento modules using Test Driven Development
  • Debugging techniques 
  • Speed optimization
  • Breakdown of available events to tie onto in Magento using observers
  • Using the Magento API to show products on another website

Our goal with this eBook is that by the end of reading it and typing out the examples you should be a professional Magento developer and save lots and lots of time over trying to learn Magento via what is currently available online.