Version 1.0 (For Release May 21)
- Added send & return email notices for rental queue products
- Import/export support using regular import/export which can run faster than import/export profiles
- jQuery conflict fixes for custom templates
- Solved bug on sales > orders for filtering by start/end date
- Fix for to authorize only deposit amount for deposits
- Is Reservation is now a required field
- Don’t show the deposit sub-total on checkout unless there is a deposit
- PDF shows just start/end date once per order not per product if there is only one start/end date for the order. Same for admin view order page
- Default send/return report to today’s dates
- Adjust rentals admin menu putting stuff under Rental Queue or Reservations for better organization
- Error check if admin adds serial numbers that the product is set to serial number tracking
- Allow $0 rental prices (some clients want to rent out stuff for free)
- Fix for IE on product page for IE versions 9 or older it was not loading the calendars correctly
Version 1.1 (For Release July 2)
- Send & Return overhaul for faster management - will all be done from Sales > Orders and be quicker to do. Click "Ship" or "Return" and put in the quantity of each item you are shipping and returning. We will also be adding on new filters to this page for late shipments or late returns.
- Site wide blackout dates
- Only show start/end date once on the order view and PDF invoice if the order uses the same start/end dates for the whole order to save space
- Email logging/debugger for checking that your send/return emails and return reminders are sent
- Quantity calendar icon on manage products page to quickly check the availability by date of products without having to go to the separate quantity report
- Global rental dates on customer side - a setting allowing customers to chose the rental dates once for the whole order rather than on the product page
- Extend rental & buyout rental product features