Thursday, January 24, 2013

Magento Paypal Recurring Profiles IPN 503 Error Sanbox Mode

This is just a quick post to help those struggling with this error. The issue appears to be that Paypal Sandbox when enabled does not record orders for testing Magento recurring profiles. It will only record the recurring profile. So if you enable Paypal live mode the order recording will then work. So just ignore the IPN 503 error because when you set it live the order recording will then work we wasted a lot of time researching what was wrong but nothing is wrong, it's just a issue with Paypal sandbox. Just make sure that in order to record the orders in Magento you setup the following:

On Paypal settings in Magento:

On Paypal IPN settings at Paypal > profile > my seller settings > ipn notifications
Then after that you should start to see orders being recorded under the recurring profile like this: